Sunday, April 8, 2012

And we're off.

Training is under way and in full effect. I will speak of mine and Luke will jump on in the next few days and speak of his. Our routines have been very similar.

During the week, I have been climbing Mt. Olympus and Granduer Peaks west spine. Depending on what elevation chart you look at and what site you read these climbs have been in between 3,000 and 4,000 vertical feet and 5 to 6 miles in length. I have been trying to push myself hard on climbing. Hills, hills and more hills. The way I see it is that I can burn the lungs on the way up and burn the quads on the way down.

I have been leaving right after work hitting the trail at about 5:20 p.m. local time. This is just one of the many reasons that I LOVE living and working where I do. I can leave work, change and be on the trail in 20 minutes. The routine is starting to take shape.

I do love the Oly and Grandeur trails but I am really looking forward to some of the higher country opening up so that I can get some level of variety. Oly and Grandeur are steep and technical and I hope that repeating them often will pay off in September. Twice I have left about an hour before Luke and have met him on the trail. In my opinion he is in the best shape of his life and it is inspiring to watch him maneuver on the trail. I can tell that he loves what he is doing. It is apparent in his effort.

Luke on his way up "Blister Hill"

On the weekends I have been playing on the BoSho. I have been starting across the street from Hogle Zoo and running North past Red Butte and all over the various trails in that direction. This last weekend I ran over to Dry Creek canyon up that canyon and Northwest toward the Shriner's Hospital and downtown. I felt very good and was able to run up most of Dry Creek. The conditions were in a word MUDDY! It was a blast!!

Me on the upper Bonneville Shoreline (SLC in the background)

Evidence of the mud.

So far I am really loving this. I feel at home on the trails and love to see my times, conditioning and attitude improving. I am nursing a small case of plantar fasciitius and get a little muscle sore but by and large I feel great. I am working on getting my in-run nutrition dialed in, regular icing and flexibility/stretching. I am learning more and more each day that the more I take care of my body in ways that I never have it responds significantly better on the trail.

So here is to another great week of training.

Happy trails!

1 comment:

  1. Mark
    Your legs look like mine did this morning, and some of the mud is drying up. Sounds like you're on track. Climbing and more climbing. I did 23 semi technical trail yesterday. Had to use both hands to negotiate a washed out section of trail. Don't EVEN need to fall out in the middle of nowhere. I was wasted last night but felt strong this morning and actually knocked 10 minutes off the trail I ran today. Keep up the good work. It really does pay off. Keep in touch. /jim
