Monday, April 14, 2014

A Great Utah Day...

Yesterday was a great day. It was one of those "Utah is the best place ever type of days!!" I started out the day by skiing at Solitude with John, Dustin and Gordon. These three are the best friends that any guy could ever ask for. They kept me laughing so hard all day. Whether it was Gordon throwing snowballs at Tate or Peterson pretending to be out of control, my sides really got a work out. I need to do that way more often. Laughter is an amazing drug!


There was hardly anyone on the mountain and we skied right on to every lift of the day. Conditions were great for a spring ski day. Solitude in word and deed. That resort incapsulates what the Wasatch really is. Steep. Unforgiving. Remote. Beautiful!


Coming down one of the runs I fell quite hard. It knocked me out and totally jacked my back. I can't remember that last time I hurt like that. I have no idea of what or how it happened. All I can remember is waking up with a pink substance draining from my nose and goggles stuck in my mouth. Full on yard sale! My phone even came out of my zipped pocket. I eventually gathered all my gear, dusted myself off and caught up to my friends. We finished the day with 13 runs, 13 ski miles and 13K of vert. Tate and Peterson hit a top speed of 65 MPH!!! Not bad for 4 hours of skiing.


I knew I wanted to get some trail miles in but was not sure how to make it happen logistically. I had a few errands to attend to and wanted to go watch a trail running movie that was showing at Brewvies that night. I determined that rather than watch trail running, I would run my errands and then hit the trail. Lunch, car wash, REI (a staple) and some time with the fam all were tended to.


I threw my gear together and headed for BoSho. The Bonneville Shoreline trail (BoSho) is rolling and offers both runnable and climb worthy terrain. As I started out I felt very strong. I reminded myself that it was early and anyone can feel good for the first few miles.


I ran past the Huntsman Cancer Institute where my friend Bryce was as he fought cancer to the end. Thinking of him invigorated me and I pushed my early feel good pace a touch harder. I was running an out and back and before I knew it my watch chimed to turn around. I had run all but the climb up above Red Butte. I have never done that before. I ate a Lara bar and began my way back to the barn.


I continued to feel strong. In fact I felt stronger with each mile. I came to a hill and thought this is where I walk. I encouraged myself to "just try" and run up. I shortened my stride into what I call my chip stride. As in chip away at the mountain. Soon I realized that I had crested the top running the entire distance.


A final push back to the car ended my run with a euphoric feeling. It was only 10 total miles but I negative split the last five miles by 15 minutes. The thoughts of "you keep this up and you will finish the Wasatch again" came to mind. It was encouraging and exciting.


In the next weeks I will push myself hard. I hope to eclipse a 20 miler in the month of April. My foot is feeling 95% and improving.

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